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The first day of college is an important one, yet it’s easy to walk away from it feeling a bit overwhelmed and a little lonely.
Hold tight, like any worthwhile adventure, a little planning and forethought will get you a long way. Below are a few suggestions that will help you ease into your first day, make new friends, and get on track for academic success:
Keep Tweets and face book updates to a minimum
You’re going to make some of the best memories of your life in college, but one thing is for certain, none of the stories will start with, “I remember that time I was updating my status.” Don’t use your phone as a social cloak, passing bits and bytes with the tip of your finger while missing what’s right in front of you. Put your phone down and engage.
Don't be scared
Everyone is feeling the same as you. Really they are! It's everyone's first day. Lots of people won't know anyone either or know where anything is. Just go with it, you will soon make new friends.
Go to the Refectory (canteen)
Eating isn’t just for sustenance; it’s also a great social bridge. Grab a turkey sandwich, take a few deep breaths, and grab a table. It’s hard to put yourself out there at first, but it pays off the next time you walk in and see a smiling face or two.
Meet your new colleagues.
Your tutor will set aside time during class for a big round of “Hi, my name is …” introductions. But make an effort yourself. You can start a study group or have a classmate let you know what you missed in class by making it a point to connect with your classmates. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people.
Get Organised
No matter the size of your high school, college is like getting called up to the big leagues. And you’re going to need to up your game accordingly. Randomly tossing papers in your bag will no longer cut it. Invest in folders, pens, paper for your theory classes and stay organised from day one.
Eat Healthy
As you’re getting settled into your newfound freedom, which includes being the master and commander of your meals, make sure to locate a few healthy food options in the refectory and Bistro and only allow yourself a cheat meal on occasion.
Find A Physical Outlet
Whether it’s a brisk walk around college grounds, a game of football or a yoga class, find a way to move. Colege has a great free gym to use , just book an induction and your off! You’ll function better if you’re taking care of your whole self, body, and mind. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress.
Find A Few Good Study Spots
Don’t limit yourself when it comes to study environments. Scout the college for different places, there are many. Obviously there’s the LRC (library) and the amazing workzone with its pods but what about the triangle. Or ask your tutor where she knows. Seek interesting and new places to study, as they might stir your creativity and sharpen your focus.
Find Your tutors staffroom.
News flash: You already have a great friend at college, and it’s your tutor. Every student has one. The tutors’s job is to make sure you have a positive and successful experience on college, They are your advocate and first contact for academic success. If you’re overwhelmed, struggling, or in any way questioning a class or path, go talk to them ASAP. They’ll know things you don’t, they’ll have ideas that you haven’t thought of – it’s their job. They’re there for you. Seek them out.
Your New Favourite Words: Assignments and Assessments
Pay special attention to when your assignments are due and when assessments are needed. These will help you get the best from your programme and gain the best marks. Nothing worse than handing in a brilliant piece to only recieve a pass because it was late! Or forget your assessment book, which means you cant be assessed.